Here is the completed papier mache motmot. He's a handsome guy and is related to the kingfisher which you may be more familiar with. Unlike many other species, both the males and the females sport the brilliant plumage and long tales.
The warm weather relatives of the kingfisher are thought to bring with them peaceful times or, "halcyon days" the seven days of winter when storms never occur. They fall on either end of the shortest day of the year. As the story goes, during theses seven days, Alcyone, in the form of a kingfisher, made a nest on the beach and layed her eggs there. Her father, Aeolus god of the winds, held back the winds to keep her safe. This is where the motmot makes its nest - by water in tunnels in the banks.
Motmots are the national bird of Nicaragua and here they are often called, guardabarranco ("ravine-guard")
I will be taking orders for the motmot birds and 50% of the profits will be given to the Center for Development in Central America http://http//www.jhc-cdca.org/
Where many live on less than one US dollar a day, these contributions can help bring worker owned cooperatives, health care, and organic farming to those in need - the building blocks for building healthy, self sufficient communities.
Each bird is unique and comes on a perch. The body is approximately 12 inches.
The cost is $75 and the delivery time is two weeks.
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