The heat has done a number on the garden, yet the 9x16 micro farm is still gifting us with some edibles every day.
We have collards and kale going strong, which is great because I love kale - I stick it in everything. This guy loves kale too, and I'm definitely going to order one of his t-shirts.
Many of the heirloom tomatoes are getting big and green and the first little ones are ripe. There are still a few strawberries (I ate them with breakfast) cucumber babies, basil, and fresh organic eggs. The last heat wave made me pull up the beans and peas, I'm sad to see them go, but now I can use the space for some cool weather crops.
The chickens have taken dust baths to a new level to escape the heat. Some days they dig such deep holes that they look like prairie dogs sticking their heads out.
Later today I will post a delicious dish suggested by a reader using peaches - another fleeting taste of summer.
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